If you are on crochet Tik Tok, you most likely have seen this newest trend to grace our little community. The 6-day star blanket was created by Betty McKnitt and is this beautiful multi coloured blanket in a star shape (if you could believe it) that could possibly create in six days.
I was drawn to it immediately. Everyone was talking about how easy it was to crochet the blanket and it looked to pretty. I consider myself as a good crocheter. I recently finished creating a crochet bouquet of flowers and was looking for my next project to aid in my boredom or to work on while watching a movie or youtube. This seemed like the perfect thing to tackle.
“This will go great in my dorm room!” I thought. It looked easy and simple.
I don’t know if I would agree with that statement anymore. So here’s my review as well as some tips and tricks for those of you who are looking to also tackle this challenge.
( Betty McKnitts patern: https://bettymcknit.com/patterns/6daystarblanket/ )
Let me start off with perhaps the most obvious thing I can think about, that this blanket definitely did not take me 6 days. I believe I roughly started this blanket around the start of January? Maybe about the 3rd. Thats roughly about twenty days.
From what I could see people were working on these blankets maybe about two hours each day? Which in all fairness I was doing to, and I consider myself a pretty fast crocheter, so maybe I just wasn’t up to par with their speed. In fairness, there were days I didn’t work on it at all or hardly did any work on it. Which probably adds to how long it took me.
However, I definitely did not complete this in 6 days.
It doesn’t bother me too much, seeing as currently I’m on summer break and honestly have nothing better to do with my time but crochet. But if you are a slow crocheter or don’t have the much time on your hands I wouldn’t go into this project expecting to complete this blanket in under 6 days.
Furthermore, the first couple of rounds are ok because there aren’t that many crochet stiches on each side, but when you get up to repeat 7 when you have 94 stitches each side on the star point, it starts to take longer to complete a full round.
Betty says this on her pattern and this is probably the most realistic timeframe for if you want to complete the blanket in six days, you need to be finishing at least 1 repeat each day. For reference I did 7 repeats did get the blanket to my desired size.
The pattern itself:
I’ve gotten really good at reading abbreviated patterns, because majority of the flowers I crocheted had patterns written in abbreviated terms. But I really struggled when first reading this pattern. Betty McKnitt does provide youtube videos to follow alongside with, which helped me understand some of the instructions, however I still heavily struggled with working out what i was meant to do.
For example: sl st into the gap just below your hook, between the dc3tog and the 3 dc, (ch 2, dc2tog) in same sp, *(3 dc, ch 3, 3 dc) in ch-3 sp, **dc3tog in next 2 sps, repeat from * ending last repeat at **, dc3tog in last sp, join with sl st to top of dc2tog cluster (be sure to join in the top of the cluster and not to the ch 2). <14 3-dc clusters, 7 ch-3 sps, 14 dc3tog>
It might just be the US terminology that threw me off or how the pattern was laid out, because that seemed to be written in gibberish when I first read it. After I understood exactly what was being asked of me to complete, it became really easy for me to crochet and finish. Looking at that example right now, I have absolutely no problems reading it, making me question what did I struggle with in the first place.
The main stitches you should know going into it is single crochets and double crochets. There are other crochet stitches that I was not familiar with prior to making this blanket which include double crochet together clusters. Learning them was quite easy, but very stressful at the time.
Once you understand exactly what you are being told to do, this blanket becomes very easy and fun to complete. It’s a lot of repetition, which itself just becomes easy. If you get bored with repetition, let me tell you right now that this blanket is not for you. Because to get to a blanket size itself, you will be repeating that same stitches A LOT.
My recommendation, put on a movie or tv show or music and vibe as you do it.
Overall Review:
I really love my blanket, 9/10.
I liked this project and completing it after getting past trying to read the pattern, because I could really just sit back and crochet something while watching TV. I might have preferred it because the project i did before this blanket was crochet flowers, which ended up with a lot of burns trying to assemble the flowers with a hot glue gun.
I think it’s cute and relatively simple to complete. I definitely could have made my blanket bigger and I have seen people online create bigger versions, but the size of mine which ended up being about 7 repeats, fit perfectly for my bed and for me to snuggle under.
I’ve seen some complaints online from other people who have made this blanket complaining about missing stitches or not having the correct stitch count. I found that I didn’t have this problem, however that might have been because the pattern might have already been updated. I religiously checked my stitch counts for each row I completed to ensure I wasn’t decreasing or increasing my stitches, with the only time my stitches being off being due to a certain type of yarn I used which made it hard to see the head of the stitches. My recommendation, check you stitch counts as your crocheting, because it will just make your life slightly for bearable and doesn’t take that much time. To count my stitches, I count in twos which helps make it go faster.
So, you guys should try it out if your into crochet. I’ve left the link to the pattern by Betty below. It was really fun completing this as it really did give me something to do each day, especially with the weather in New Zealand this summer bluntly being crap.
Hope you guys stay safe and healthy. Thank you for checking out my little corner of the internet!
I made a crochet star blanket this year, and I was so proud of it - it only has five points, but it turned out super cute. I'm so glad to have found another crochet girlie here!